
What is a custom declaration?

A customs declaration is an official document that lists and gives details of goods that are being imported or exported. All goods that are imported into or exported from Ireland must be declared to customs using the Single Administrative Document. This is a common declaration form for all EU Member States as well as the UK. A customs declaration lists the details of goods that are being exported from or imported into the UK/EU.

 Who can complete a Customs Declaration?

There are two ways of handling customs clearance:

(1) companies handle it themselves or

(2) outsource it to others such as Customs Brokers or Freight Forwarders.

Whichever route is used, the customs declaration must be submitted electronically.

Declarations in GB are submitted through Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system or the new Customs Declaration Service (CDS).

Irish declarations are processed on Revenue’s Automated Entry Processing system (AEP).

Small and medium-sized companies with a relatively low number of import/export declarations typically choose to outsource all their customs clearance.

Customs Declarations Advice
Customs Clearance Ireland

 Benefits of outsourcing Customs Clearance to us

  • Outsourcing Customs Clearance can be a cost-effective solution until the volume of declarations is sufficient to justify bringing customs compliance in-house.

  • Releases time to focus on the company’s core competences.

  • Reducing the administrative burden.

  • As experienced Customs Brokers in Ireland, we are experts in the field, thereby reducing the risk of errors and subsequent delays clearing customs whilst providing a cost-effective customs clearance service.